Full Description
The Hope 4 Cell ES Battery the large quad cell 2600mAh rechargable Li-Lon battery that includes a Energy Status (ES) with an integrated power level display.
4 Cell ES Battery is compatible with the R8, R4+ and R2 lights.
4.5/5 Stars out of 2 Reviews
If you do need a battery for your Hope lighting system, then you can buy this one. I had the earlier 4 cell version, this one is more metal and solid but a bit heavier. It does however, and this is why I really wanted it, have a battery level indicator thingy, so it takes some of the guesswork out of energy levels. FaceWest were the only people in the UK that I could find who sold this on it's own so I was very pleased to be getting it.
Nigel Smith
If you own a Hope light this is what you need giving plenty of power plus a power indicator and although heavy if used with extension cable you can fit it into a jacket pocket instead of attaching to bike which I found a much safer option and easier for removal of lights.
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